Thursday 27 September 2007

Victoria Beckham left Japan earlier

Victoria left Japan earlier than expected, so that she could catch a flight to London. She wanted to be as soon as posible with her husband David Beckham.
David flew to London earlier today, to visit his dad who had a serious heart-attack.

Victoria Beckham visited Japan to promote her new make-up collection V-Sculpt.
The collection includes eye-shadows, eyeliners, lip-gloss etc. But when she heard a horrible news about David's dad she immediately left ""the country of the rising sun".
The 33-year Victoria has postponed all outstanding promotional duties - risking that she doesent't get paid. At the moment the only thing, that's on her mind, is the health of her father in law!

Victoria's outfit at LA airport

Victoria Beckham is usually the role model in "stylish outfit" This time "Posh spice" raised even more eyebrows...... She left LA airport heading for Japan, dressed in a military-style jacket and peaked cap. The outfit strongly reminds to the German officer costume, that Tom Cruise worn in his latest movie Valkyrie.

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Paperback version of Victoria's book released in UK

Published from Victoria Beckham hair blogspot

Paperback version of Victoria's book "That Extra Half An Inch" was released in United Kingdom. Book includes lots of fashion shopping tips, it also includes many pictures of Victoria Beckham, that were never published before.
In book Victoria claims, it's not everything in having huge amounts of money to spend on clothing, she claims that the most important thing is to have a style. That's why it doesn't matter if you spend 40 bucks for your clothes or 3000 $ in Prada shop.
The book will be published in the USA in November 2007

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Victoria Beckham hair

Ever wondered how to get Victoria Beckham hair, better said Victoria Beckham short haircut? Firstly for those of you who don’t know who Victoria Beckham is.
She’s ex Spice girl who was also called “posh spice”. She’s also wife of famous England soccer player David Beckham, who recently joined LA Galaxy.

Now let’s go back to Victoria’s hair. Victoria’s hair is nowdays also called THE POB, that’s an angled bob which is graduated at the back of her head with long textured front layers. The best thing is that that kind of haircut can suit to every girl no matter what kind of facial shape and hair she has.
Her haircut isn’t that difficult to made and if you make some adjustments, your haircut should probably look very similar to Victoria’s, even though she Spends litulary thousands of dollars for her outlook.
You should follow these easy steps:

Firstly visit your hairdresser, you should have few pisctures of Victoria Beckham hair in your pocket, that isn’t very hard, right?
Then you and your hairdresser should check the hape of jour jaws and head, so that he/she would be able to adjust the haircut to your figure. Together you should consult about the depth of the colour, becouse this should add the dimension to your hair.Now everything is in your stylist hands……
You should know that that kind of haircut is appropriate for all occasions, such as visting theatre, having a dinner or simply going to the night club.
Well that’s all the truth about Victoria Beckham hair, good luck!

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